Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Larger Question

I want to ask you (and myself) one question today.

Is LIFE what happens when you're busy working for money?
Is LIFE what happens when you're busy struggling with people and relationships?
Is LIFE what happens when you're busy proving the world you're worth their attention?


Thank you Stefan Sagmeister. For you unknowingly answer this question for me today.

Life is about making all those crazy times of striving incredulously hard worthwhile for yourself.
It's for earning shit-loads only to spend that shit-loads back on yourself.
About doing all that you never-freaking-dreamed you'd do.

Stefan talked about integration. He talks about how he hybridization the mainstream European lifestyle of working crazy hard for initial years and then retiring, waiting to die. His modification pulls a quanta of those retirement years and fits them in slots while you're on the 'work and earn' mode.
But how does he sustain? He travels and performs social experiments. This quenches his creative thirst and at the end of his Sabbatical year, he's rejuvenated and recharged for yet another professional-cum-personal sprint.

This inspires. The fact that job is not everything that exists, is reiterated. It is but a part of who you are and who you'll be. Though this does fact expose a powerful extremum of contradiction existing around you and me. I ask myself to where I think I walk towards. To where I aspire myself to be x years from now. An obvious generic answer is success and fulfillment as my end-of-life goals. But the material casting is what still eludes. It is when you come across people like Stefan that you stop avoiding the answers to such questions and reflect on it with eyes closed one morning as you breathe in fresh air in those youthful conscience yet to make it's mark.

I do things. I strive to learn constantly. I dynamic and I evolve consistently. Multidirectionally.
This hurts. I will mostly never be the Stephan Hawking or the Bill Clinton or the Mark Zuckerberg or any other 'the' for that matter. I might live to be an unknown person who makes a small boy on the road or an old man in the metro station smile. I might not be Superman or 'The Chosen One', but be happy to see my parents smile and take pride in my tiny ordinary everyday achievements. I might not be Daniel Radcliffe or George Clooney, but be someone you would like to spend a careless Sunday morning cycling around in the countryside. And with that unstrategized unrestricted spontaneity, I want my life to be integrated in one piece.

Stefan shows how he could connect the dots. He inspires me because in his story I learn that it's always possible to start today.

LIFE is what I will make out of it. Tomorrow. Today. This moment.

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