Friday, September 20, 2013

Klarke, I see you...

The Climb had been rough and he was tired. With bare feet he trudged slowly feeling the heat which soon was to disappear as the sunset was close, almost relishing the friction that scratched his feet as he traversed what was left of the tiny distance that separated him from his beloved... A sight so splendid that it blew him off...
He had reached at the perfect moment, the radiance of the sun as it turned a shade of red losing itself to the expansiveness of the pink skies as it enveloped the mighty mountains...
It wasn't just the visual but the entirety of the experience that had consumed his senses. He lived it as the breeze hit him with intensity, he breathed it ,embracing its essence that had now been ingrained deep within his soul... deep silence reverberating through him. It was an acquaintance known too well,something he felt as he paced slowly through the ghats back at Vanarasi... A oneness came about leaving him absolutely breathless and in sheer of awe of all that was him.
Soon it would be dark and the magnificence that lay in front of him would be gone Its hard to 'let Go' when it becomes a part of you,so essential to your being;a drug to the senses, benediction to the Soul Yet mortals as we are plagued with a fear to hold on.
He felt the pain as he rejoiced the exuberance of a connection felt so profound and it became hard indeed to let go
He was a Romantic, He was mighty...He was strong...
and before the darkness could completely shun all that was his,he was gone... To 'lose it' was the fear and now it was here but as he walked away he realised though its dark and the chimera of his dream was fading, yet in his heart he shall always retain the song...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Confession : A CRIME I committed

What was it that I could not control that day. That I could see it working, and there seemed nothing I could do about it than let it flow. It was not a reflex action, but what made me strongly feel that it is?
Looking in his eyes, I felt the demon that silently lay within. The demon of selfishness. But the demon was not his, it was mine. His eyes seemed to be a mere reflection of what lay within me, and this observation, devoid of all logic and reasoning, stood there in it's bare rawness confessing a strange truth.

"Yes I bribed him, who the fuck cares?" protested logic. Selfishness? It's not bad. All humans are inherently selfish, and it doesn't matter if I was too.
The gnawing reality lay like a dead body hovering upon me, much aware of the crime, much aware of it's implications - none in quantity, but as a irreparable stroke on the purest element of one's existence - Integrity.

Integrity - the source. Foundations of existence since unrecorded history, relying on a single boulder of symbolic strength. The bribe was not just a forced transaction, it was a scar on my integrity. A moment of lifelessness trapped me into the transition between the conscious and the sub-conscious. I stayed there looking at myself, as if leaving my body and watching me walk away into nothingness.

I still look back and wish it was different. Wish that the moment wouldn't have existed, or else I would have not let it haunt myself so long by just being simple honest. Honest to myself. That is what I shall be. After all, every cloud has a silver lining...

What Goes Comes Back

A simple straight curve, as an abstraction of reality, was ridiculing itself in its daunting darkness. Linear was it meant to be. Linear in all local terms concerning the self, and nothing more around it. With darkness encompassing an incomprehensibly evil halo of that ecstatic blindfold, the supposed odyssey was done with quick confident steps. Exotic were the ways - those evil intentions remote and invisible. Words were no longer  meant to be, but just to be. And thus it lived, travelling as a cursed promise, hovering as vultures over a dead decaying symbol of death. Death not from hate or guilt or greed - but from love - the pure passionate pain.

That mesmerising scent of an unreachable destination gaping into the infinite with its magnificent decaying efficacy gives birth to an unresolved contradiction. Contradiction of the poison at it's source, of a gnawing realization of a painful end, of ending into the nothingness of dark empty void. The curse lived on as a prodigious disciplinary righteousness of being haunted by an ultimate inflection of my own existence.

It all came back. The poison in those veins making them blue, with eyes turning black, and face already paler than death. Drops of rain flowing down deeper into unknown depressions of implicit self-retaliation. The destruction didn't pardon or excuse too proud with it's arrogance - a merciless rage to split the skull open, to reveal what unimaginable force no longer trapped inside would smile it's final goodbye and would bleed till those lips turn white. Till there is pain no more...