Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Thank you.

No fancy date. Just a 2nd January. Time to get back to work. But wait something's pending...

As 2018 commences, this is a small note of gratefulness, gratitude and thanks (not sure if they mean the same thing) that I wanted to record for a few things, some of which might be small and others large, but are in no particular sequence.

Health. Happiness. Strength to survive the odds. Care. Smiles. Friends. Friendship. Travel. Love. Fortune. New experiences. New food. Good food. International flights. Free pints. Drive in LA. Golden Bridge. Chocolates for folks. Cute puppy. Garden sunbaths. Honda City rides. Jaypee University hideouts. Lift romance. S.Q.U.A.T.S. Good team. Good projects. Good guide. Friends and marriages. Bangalore. College friends. Khataara bike rides. Amazing catch-ups. Google. Flipkart. Ranchi. Countryside rides. Beautiful bride. Friend's family. Happy journeys. Goa. Beaches. Yamaha Fascinos. Roasted Chicken. Almonds. Cabo de Rama. Movies. Short movies. Toastmasters. 

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