Saturday, February 24, 2018

Aur Bhaijaan

"Aur Bhaijaan"

He greets you in a deceptively commonplace way when you meet him for the first time - an ordinary comfortable stance, friendly smile and a kind voice. You start a journey of friendship, and he talks to you about every day things like work and life. But something in his words makes you feel as if he knows what you've been through. This is something beyond natural verbal empathy - especially every time he takes a pause to reflect over the thoughts, every time he shuffles unspoken ideas in his mind trying to find a small thing he can do which could help you in a big way - it suddenly enlightens hope in the garden of your dark sullen thoughts. And that is what makes him special in a very simple way. When you share tiny instances of what pains you bothers you deep inside, you don't notice it but suddenly you know that you can just flow. Because you found a friend who lowers his eyes not in pity but in a silent gesture of support and an intention to help you any way he can.
You never see a scorn on him over something that is lost or missed, and it fascinates you how he can find extraordinary ordinary methods to induce happiness. Like chai. He believes in simple ideas of life, but ones you can keep talking about with him for hours. I think somewhere deep down staying friends with him makes you acknowledge the smaller things in life, because maybe one day those will be the big things.

Look what I found!