Thursday, April 10, 2014

SportsVilla - Notes from the Diary

The initiative I am a part of envisions a healthier society where Sports are a part of life for every individual and family. My motivation for participation in InterSeliger are the Forum’s objectives – Empowerment/Engagement of global youth, Cooperation in social/political/economic aspects, Networking with domain speclialists/experts, Understanding global business/scientific/cultural/media/organizational trends, Providing comprehensive support and channelization for idea-materialization – which resonate perfectly towards catalyzing our growth for making this vision of ours become a reality.
In India, where Sports Industry is one of the most disorganized sectors, Sports as a part of everyday life for a common Indian is a romantic fantasy, let alone be a permanent career choice. With such huge potential and limitless talent in the people of my country, it is but unfortunate that even after 65 years of Independence, we have just produced a handful of legendary Sportsmen. Meanwhile the ordinary man still struggles for survival without the basic-most of needs, while living an unhealthy stressful lifestyle. This is a major contributor in lowering down life expectancy, hindering our fight against number of ailments – physical and mental, and decreasing the happiness-cum-satisfaction quotient of people in general.

Here, I see an opportunity for change. With initial efforts towards increasing availability of Sports facilities to one and all, our long term aim is to cause a shift in mindset – a Sportsolution (Revolution in Sports) not just for the people of my nation, but for every human who seeks a healthier lifestyle. My expectations from InterSeliger in terms of knowledge and expertise are directed towards making this transformation a reality. Broadly, Growth and Sustainable development, along and Innovation and Enterprise, would be the foundation stones of our initiative. With bidirectional experience sharing, I do wish to get inspired, and maybe inspire some others on the way.

Globalized world of Tomorrow - InterSeliger

The world of today is technologically borderless. We live in a well-connected civilization where physical territorial boundaries are incapable of binding information, knowledge and learning. This enables us to efficiently communicate to a vastly more diverse, rich and global community. InterSeliger does go one step ahead and catalyzes this connectedness of a global society but giving us an opportunity to network with some of the most exceptional young people on the planet, about to transform the way we live life. Any agent of change would want positive transformation to touch as many lives as possible, and the multiculturalism of InterSeliger brings us all closer to that goal. Not only by helping us share our ideas, vision and passion, but also by giving us a glimpse in the wonderful work other young passionate people are involved with all around the world.
Issues like high economic poverty, hunger, high mortality rates, unsafe water supplies, poor education systems, corrupt governments, war and poor sanitation, among many others, can be fought only with collaborative ideation followed by action. Unless the youth of today holds hands and comes together in collective action, escaping such ‘poverty traps’ will not be sustainably possible. This makes me see immense potential in the platform that InterSeliger provides, where together under one roof, we share our vision for a better future, brainstorm, indulge in rapid prototyping, critically evaluate, accept, and become contributors to others’ visions, while enrolling many others in ours.
Globalization is the revolution of today. And the tomorrow I see, is a better future built on top of collaborative action. While technology assists communication, platforms like InterSeliger will actually ‘connect’ us together to be a part of the same odyssey.